A distinction is made between general powers of attorney and specific powers of attorney. Please consider the following requirements before applying:
- A recent passport size photo for both parties: one for the grantor and one for the delegate
- Iraqi identification document (Iraqi passport, Iraqi citizenship or Iraqi ID card)
- A copy of an identification document of the delegate in Kurdistan
- The grantor must come in person to the Kurdistan Regional Government-Iraq Representation to sign the legal document
Please take notice of our hours of acceptance:
Wednesday 10.00 am – 2.00 pm
Other hours for acceptance are only granted in exceptional cases and with prior telephonic or written appointment.
- General power of Attorney (Brikarnamey Gişti)
A general power of attorney gives a person the power to take decisions for another person with regard to their affairs in the Kurdistan Region.
In order to obtain a general power of attorney, please consider the list of required documents above to know what documents should be provided in person.
Cancellation of General Powers of Attorney:
In order to cancel a general power of attorney, please bring the following documents in person to the Kurdistan Regional Government Representation:
- Iraqi identification document (Iraqi passport, Iraqi citizenship or Iraqi ID card)
- Copy of the original power of attorney document that is to be cancelled
Please note that we can only cancel documents that were issued by the Austrian KRG representation.
- Specific power of Attorney (Brikarnamey Taybet)
A specific power of attorney allows a person to take decisions for another person with regard to one specific affair in the Kurdistan Region. Specific powers of attorney can be used to apply for pension, receiving divorce and marriage certificates, as well as for buying and selling vehicles or properties (land, houses, or businesses).
In order to obtain a specific power of attorney, please consider the list of required documents above to know what documents should be provided in person.
In addition, the following documents have to be produced for the respective specific case:
- Divorces: spouse’s full name and date of birth
- Marriage certificates: spouse’s full name and date of birth, recent HIV-AIDS test
- Buying and selling vehicles: copy of the vehicle registration certificate
- Buying and selling property: property number as on the deed
Please note that a specific power of attorney is only valid for one year and can only be used for the purpose for which it was originally issued.